Technology is rapidly transforming architectural design and construction practices, as it offers unique advantages that optimize cost and expedite processes. Key technology solutions, such as BIM, IoT, visual mapping, and site robotics, are being used to both capture and process larger volumes of design-based data. These solutions are enabling construction firms to increase the accuracy of design specifications, improve compliance, and ensure the actualization of highly complex ideas.

Technology also helps improve design collaboration within the architectural model making process. Various stakeholders can provide inputs across design stages within sophisticated software solutions, which improves output quality and drives innovation. This is one of the main reasons behind the high adoption rate of BIM software at around 70% across most construction projects. With technology empowering architects, more creative designs will emerge across the global construction landscape.

Streamlining the design process for architects

A key reason behind the worldwide adoption of design technologies is the efficiency driven by the leading solutions. In fact, nearly 42% of construction firms believe solutions such as BIM to have some of the highest rates of investment returns over the course of several projects. That is why the leading architectural firms, including Prasoon Design, leverage the most advanced design solutions to improve productivity, quality, and speed of design delivery. More complex structures can be imagined when using computational design solutions, which add greater value to the overall project.

The design process is also highly iterative, involving several inputs across various domains. A sophisticated technology solution is necessary to manage multiple design versions, stagewise approvals, reviews, and collaborative feedback. Technology also impacts design in terms of data storage and provides easy access to the historical record of all designs generated. This streamlines the auditing and review process for all designs as well.

Aiding innovation within architectural design

Innovation is one of the most important elements of delivering high quality and memorable design experiences. In the construction sphere, architects need to create novel, scalable, and structurally stable engineering feats using best practices and technology solutions. Design software platforms empower firms to innovate beyond traditional designs, through visual data mapping, iterative automation, computational structures, and geometric spatial experimentation.

Architectural design is also enriched through digital technology when designers need to use sustainable measures, new orientations, nanomaterials, and other modern requirements. Setting the right parameters and experimenting with various designs can be performed much faster when leveraging software solutions. AI can also automate various design stage processes, generating unique designs and layouts that may not have been previously envisioned.

Enhancing precision and design accuracy

While technology improves the speed at which designs are generated, it also positively impacts precision and accuracy. Construction projects that are highly complex, requiring comprehensive and precise calculations, need to use the latest design technologies to ensure quality. Architects can focus on design and creative innovation, while having a robust technological framework to ensure the practicality of design fruition.

Through generative design and complex geometry, more challenging site problems can also be solved elegantly with the right tools. With design software providing the necessary algorithms and code-based structures, architects can improve insulation, ensure natural light, introduce rainwater harvesting, and a range of other benefits seamlessly.

Boosting design quality through collaboration

Collaboration is key to quality, consistency, and creativity, which is why it is important to provide a platform for stakeholders to share inputs. Technology aids design by providing an accessible platform for various users to view, edit, and comment on ongoing design specifications with ease. New ideas can be generated for skyscrapers, residential complexes, commercial zones, etc., by involving designers, engineers, contractors, and vendors through technology.

The productivity gains, driven by collaboration and increased efficiency, can be anywhere between 14-15% for several construction firms that adopt the latest technology solutions. Teams can easily share design specifications internally and externally through the cloud, while gaining approvals on stagewise edits instantly. The adoption of technology also helps create a culture of collaboration, which aligns resources, assets, and teams towards common goals.

Enhancing technical integration within the construction chain

One of the most important benefits of adopting technology within the design stage is the ease of integration introduced. Architects can integrate various designs, data mapping, visual capture, and site informatics data to refine project plans further. Designs generated via 5D BIM can also be integrated into construction workflow management systems, and used extensively for verification, compliance, and change management.

The ease of integration introduced by design software also extends to plug-ins, data security systems, IoT hardware, etc. These integrations make the design stage more dynamic and real-time oriented, acquiring insights from a broader spectrum of technologies. Construction firms working on highly complex projects can benefit significantly from adopting a design-focused tech solution. Using VR and AR technologies, a project design can also be brought to the physical domain for a more immersive experience.